Safety notice: Harnesses equipped with Finsterwalder CLICK-LOCK and T-LOCK buckles (according to the safety notice from 04.06.2016) The following products by Finsterwalder & Charly are equipped with…
Safety Notice / CHILI 3 Safety notice // CHILI3 / Technora Lines During a B-stall maneuver with a heavily used CHILI3 manufactured in 4/2014, several lines in the outer area broke. The pilot…
Safety Notice / DROP Safety Notice // DROP Safety notice frontcontainer DROP - regarding all sizes During our regular quality control, it was found on the DROP frontcontainer that the connection…
29.08.2023 RECOMMENDATION FOR EXCHANGE Improved inner container for CHARLY reserves available Also applies to KORTEL Krisis Karré und MAC PARA Houston An improved version of the Tom Grabner inner…
Safety Notice // TAPA X-ALPS / all sizes ISSUE During a simulated rescuer throw of a TAPA X-ALPS (size 105), a small piece of the fabric from the inner container was caught by the retrieval lines.…
Repair instructions // TAPA X-ALPS / inner container PROCEDURE To overhaul the inner container, the corners need to be cut at a distance of 5 mm outside the eyelet. You can use either a hot cutter…
SICHERHEITSMITTEILUNG MOYEN PRIORITÄT THEMA : Rettungsschirm Umdrehung innerhalb des Containers Datum : 28/06/2018 Dokumentennr. : SUPAIR_2018/06_001 PROBLEMBESCHREIBUNG Die Größe des…
Safety notice PL-Hook buckles Dear customers, We have noticed that the locking button of some of the depicted PL-Hook buckles may come loose in rare cases such that the belt could become detached…
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