Deutscher Gleitschirm- und Drachenflugverband e.V.


Stubaicup 2004 - Skyline

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Sepp Gschwendtner: Bernhard Greindl from Skyline is sitting next to me and about to tell us of his new harness developments.

Bernhard Greindl: Correct, new for this year we have certified the Racer a supine harness with protector for competition  and cross country pilots, and we have again our aerobatics harness. This is often asked for by normal pilots as one sits comfortably upright in it and through it's vest construction it offers excellent contact and a very nice secure feeling. This harness will be DHV certified too for the 2004 season.

Sepp Gschwendtner: You also have a new reserve canopy - can you show me that too?

Bernhard Greindl: Here it is -  a reserve container where the only connection to the harness is via the reserve loops themselves, you hang them in your main carabiners and you're ready to fly.