Deutscher Gleitschirm- und Drachenflugverband e.V.


DHV classification of hanggliders

The classification scheme gives a scale for the level of pilot skills required for safe operation.

The classification is obtained through test flights as part of the DHV type test procedure. These tests are meant to provide safety relevant information, but certainly not to measure performance.

The overall classification of a glider is found by taking the highest (e.g. most demanding) classification obtained in any single test flight category.


Classification AdditionDescription
 1  Recommended to pilots looking for simple flying characteristics
 2  Recommended to pilots with an IPPI-rating of 3 and above, who simply want to enjoy flying
 3  Recommended to regularly flying pilots with an IPPI-rating of 4 and above
  E Special briefing required (because of unusual controls, etc.)


When viewing test reports you should bear in mind that test flights are flown and evaluated in a well-standardised manner, as this is the only way to achieve reproducible test results. This gives you an objective scale to compare gliders, but any statement concerning in-flight characteristics applies in absolute precision only to manoeuvres flown in a standardised manner under perfect test conditions.

Any safety relevant observations of the test pilot which are not covered by the standardised test flight evaluation are quoted under "Additional flight safety remarks" at the end of the test report.