Deutscher Gleitschirm- und Drachenflugverband e.V.


PMA bestätigt Position

Der internationale Herstellerverband PMA ist erneut gegenüber der FAI dafür eingetreten, dass nur mustergeprüfte Gleitschirme bei FAI Cat 1 Events zum Einsatz kommen und hat nochmals auf ein früheres Schreiben von Mike Cavanagh an die FAI Delegierten verwiesen. Auszüge: "using EN-D instead of Open class wings helps remove/reduce the chance of the wing in a collapsed situation from being the cause of that accident." "CIVL delegates can be blamed for encouraging pilots to fly a wing that is beyond their ability. To add to that pressure, CIVL delegates cannot ignore the fact that the PMA, as the only manufacturers association with wide affiliation, wants the Cat 1 comps to be on Serial Class (max en D) wings because they know these wings are inherently safer for the type of pilot in a Cat 1 competition."

Original Text:

CIVL has imposed a suspension of the Competition Class paragliders after the tragic accidents during the Paragliding World Championship in Piedrahita. The PMA can only confirm their position from the last PMA Annual General Meeting on September 16 2010 which stays the same and is still valid: "The PMA believe that from the material point of view a significant way to improve safety in FAI cat 1 competitions is to restrict them to EN – D gliders. Open class gliders have their place in competitions but FAI Cat 1 is not that place."

This PMA decision as well as a letter by Ozones managing director Mike Cavanagh has been sent to CIVL as a recommendation to follow before their plenary in February 2011. Unfortunately CIVL decided differently in February but had to come back to the PMA recommendation 5 months later after more accidents did happen in the World Championship in Piedrahita.

Accidents are always the result of several factors.

The only safe alternative to the Competition Class paragliders in FAI Cat. 1 competitions which exists at the moment seem to be gliders which have been certified following the EN standard.

Of course the PMA does support the further development of the EN-standard for paraglider certification to include new technical developments.

As always there cannot be just one opinion within a manufacturers association. The above is the opinion of the PMA board of directors and the majority of members.

Best Regards

Hans Bausenwein
CEO Paraglider Manufacturers Association