Deutscher Hängegleiterverband e.V.
HomeIContactIImprintIData protection

Technical data

Skywalk Mint 125
ManufacturerSkywalk GmbH & Co. KG
Type test reference noDHV GS-01-2800-23
Type test standards appliedLTF NFL HG/GS 2-565-20, EN 926-2:2013+A1:2021, EN 926-1:2015
Date of certification10.05.2023
Holder of certificationSkywalk GmbH & Co. KG
Skywalk Mint 125
Limits of operation
Class addition
Total weight in flight105 - 125 Kg
EN-Total weight in flight105 - 125 Kg
Number of seats1
Winch towingYes
Inspection interval150 H / 24 Mo
Projected area22.98 m2
Weight of glider without bag5.55 Kg
Material of upper surfaceDominico Tex. DOKDO-2044-44PS
Material of lower surfaceDominico Tex. DOKDO-2044-44PS
Line materialsLine section 1: Edelrid 8000/U-090, Edelrid 8001-340, Edelrid 8001-470, Edelrid A-8000/U-190, Liros DFLP200/32
Line section 2: Edelrid 8000-U-230, Edelrid 8000/U-050, Edelrid 8000/U-090, Edelrid A-8000/U-190, Liros PPSLS 65, Liros PPSLS 125
Line section 3: Edelrid 8000/U-050, Liros DC 35, Liros PPSLS 65, Liros DC 60
Line section 4: Edelrid 8000/U-050, Liros DC 35, Liros DC 60
Line section 5: Liros DC 35
Safety notes