Deutscher Hängegleiterverband e.V.
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Airworthiness advisory

SubjectParaglider harness UP Pamir DHV GS-03-0258-02, UP Teton DHV GS-03-0291-04

Routine checks on harness models Pamir and Teton have revealed defects on some of the deployment handles for reserve parachutes. On the defect handles the release pin was not correctly sewn to the handle (see picture). Should the release pin become detached from the handle, a successful reserve deployment may be hindered or impossible.

In agreement with the manufacturer UP International GmbH the DHV has issued the following airworthiness safety advisory:

    1. On all paraglider harness models Pamir and Teton, the emergency parachute deployment handle must be checked before further use.
    2. Defect handles must be professionally repaired. Repairs will be performed by UP International GmbH, D-82431 Kochel of from a UP designated workshop.

Pict. 1: Handle with insufficient sewing. Must be rectified before the next flight!

Pict. 2: Handle with good, adequate sewing.

These airworthiness requirements are valid from publication of the NfGH Notices for hang- and paraglider pilots. The safety requirements must be fullfilled before the equipment is re-used.

Gmund, 31.03.2004
Klaus Tänzler
Managing Director